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About KLS’s Institute of Management Education and Research (IMER)


Karnatak Law Society (KLS) to which IMER belongs was founded by eminent lawyers of Karnataka in 1939.

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 Since then KLS has been rendering yeomen service in the sphere of professional education in north Karnataka. It has the distinction of running colleges in various fields – Law, Commerce, Engineering and Management Education. All its institutions are among the leading institutions in Karnataka.

Institute of Management Education and Research(IMER) is an institution well known for excellence in management education. Founded in 1991, IMER is recognized by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi and Govt. of Karnataka. From the Academic Year 2010-11 IMER is affiliated to Rani Channamma University, Belgaum. Recently IMER got the research centre recognition from RCU. We will be admitting the students for Doctoral studies which will definitely augment the research orientation of ours as well as research output.

What sets IMER apart is its strong industry interface, student driven activities and a business perspective strengthened by its strong linkages in business and academia circles. It is one of the few B-Schools which have a unique blend of young as well as senior faculty, who have rich experience in academics as well as industry. The intellectual pool of faculty together with rich learning resources provide the students of IMER, a strong platform to launch their career higher in the management horizon, either as business leaders or entrepreneurs.

While academic rigor gives the students a strong foundation, an equally strong emphasis is laid on developing various technical abilities and soft skills. All activities at IMER are oriented towards creating opportunities for students to discover, explore and learn beyond class-rooms and curriculum. Students are encouraged to expand their horizons, enrich their thinking and grow outward. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities coupled with experiential learning atmosphere are the salient features of IMER. Apart from this, we regularly invite entrepreneurs, business leaders, corporate heads, management consultants with whom our students can interact.

We give lot of emphasis on the total grooming of the students. We have an admirable library supported by the state of the art infrastructure, i.e., world class facilities, classrooms, computer laboratories, digital library, gymnasium, canteen facilities, outdoor and indoor sports facilities, separate hostel facility for boys and girls, conference halls, syndicate rooms, auditorium, etc.

From the academic year 2013 onwards we are offering SAP Business One Solution ERP Certification course to make the students First Day First Hour (FDFH) ready. This will further enhance their learning in all management domains, i.e. Supply Chain Management, Accounting, etc.

IMER imparts professional training (in house and outbound) to groom the students and make them ready for a corporate world. This ensures that our students will finally be able to get the most lucrative employment of their choice. A long list of blue chip companies visits our campus every year for campus recruitment. The strong alumni who have made their mark in the corporate world also act as brand ambassadors of the institute and help us all the way out when it comes to training, internships and final placements.

Nothing brings us more happiness than the success of our students. IMER has a track record of 100% placement. In fact we offer a huge choice to the employers when they visit our campus for recruitment.

IMER has been rated A++ by Business India and is listed amongst Top 100 B-schools of India by Dalal Street Journal consecutively for the last three years. In 2012, IMER was adjudged as ‘The Best Private B-School in Karnataka’ by Brands Academy, New Delhi. We are listed among ‘Top 50 private B-Schools in India’ by Dainik Bhaskar in their recently concluded survey.

Although there is a long list of recognition, still ‘Seeing is Believing’. I suggest MBA aspirants to visit our campus; get a first hand feel of the institute and then decide. To begin with you can visit our website or send a mail to for more details.

Wish you a pleasant and happy learning voyage!!



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Author:  admin
Posted On:  Saturday, 30 May, 2015 - 11:02

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