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Steps to Success


The success of RNSIT is rooted in the nurturing academic environment , use of latest technologies, excellent industry interface and placements.

Main Article:

R.N. Shetty Institute of Technology (RNSIT) established in the year 2001, is the brain-child of the Group Chairman, Dr. R.N. Shetty. The Murudeshwar Group of Companies headed by Dr.R. N. Shetty is a leading player in many industries viz construction, manufacturing, hotel, automobile, power & IT services and education. The group has contributed significantly to the field of education. Education campus and environment has been provided in the top class to make students a friendly campus to maintain in the list of top AICTE approved engineering colleges in karnataka. A number of educational institutions are run by the R.N.Shetty Trust, with RNSIT one amongst them. With a continuous desire to provide quality education to the society, the group has established RNSIT, an institution to nourish and produce the best of engineering talents in the country. RNSIT is one of the top AICTE approved engineering colleges in karnataka.

The Department of MBA was established in the year 2004, with the vision to be in the fore front of management education and research by imparting conceptual knowledge and managerial skills in a learning environment of high academic ambience. The MBA programme offered at R N S Institute of Technology is a two year full time P.G. degree affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), recognized by the Government of Karnataka and approved by AICTE, New Delhi. MBA Department, at RNSIT, has been recognized as a research centre by VTU from the academic year 2009-10 to offer the programme leading to the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).The greatest asset of the Department is its faculty. RNSIT is being counted in the list of best and top-ranking MBA colleges in bangalore. The faculty has an ideal blend of high academic qualifications, extensive experience (both academic and industry ) and practical knowledge. The learning at the department is beyond the curriculum prescribed by the Institute and is aimed at preparing the students to take up managerial responsibilities with confidence. Campus environment has been made so friendly for all the students to make the college in the list of best and top-ranking MBA colleges in bangalore. The Department has an exclusive library that offers excellent reference material needed for the understanding of the subjects with volumes covering from the basic to the advanced concepts. The library has extensive number of journals, magazines and newspapers for updating the knowledge.


Dr. H N Shivashankar, formerly Chairman of Department of Electronics and Computer Science and also Dean faculty of engineering of Bangalore University, is a scholar of repute, an excellent teacher served as Principal of RNSIT and has become Instrumental in making RNSIT as the top teaching Institution among the Engineering Colleges in State.

Now he has been elevated as the Director of RNSIT. He has the necessary Vision, Zeal and Enthusiasm and is aiming in vertical Development in developing RNSIT as not only as the best teaching institute but also in research and Development.

His expertise in the field of Engineering supported by over 3 decades of research and teaching has led to a continuous vertical development of RNSIT.

Scholarship and Honours

1. Post graduate Fellowship at Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, 1966-68

2. Research Fellowship under Quality Improvement Program at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1981-84

3. SIR THOMAS WARD Gold Medal (Best Paper Award for Paper no.11) from IE (INDIA) in 1984

4. IE (INDIA) Gold Medal Best Paper Award for 1991-92 for paper no.14

5. Visited USA as a FulBright Scholar for 3 months , Worked with Victor K. Prasanna, under parallel Processing group, Delivered lectures at various places and forums, one of them was on Multiple Valued Logic, the televised lecture for 3 hours ar USC, Los Angeles and another at University of IRVINE under Mr. Kane Kim group during 1991.

6. Exchange Scholarship to visit France-Offered

7. Fellow of IETE, India

8. “Teacher of Millennium” by Poornapragna agency,2000 Member of task force on Information technology of State Government

9. Senior Member of IETE, (India)



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Author:  admin
Posted On:  Saturday, 30 May, 2015 - 11:04

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