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Modeling and Simulation: Linking Entertainment and Defense Download Modeling and Simulation: Linking Entertainment and Defense  E-Book
The Diirrecttorr off Deffense Researrch Engiineerriing ((DDR&E)),, Drr.. Aniitta Jones,, ffunded sttudy tthrrough tthe Nattiionall Researrch Counciill Computterr Sciience Tellecommuniicattiions Boarrd ((NRC CSTB))..
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The author is more concerned about what to do after getting admission into an IIT than the admission process itself. He points out that getting into IIT is not all that difficult as is made out to be. As he puts it, “If you can lock yourself in a room with books for two years and throw away the key, you can probably make it here.”
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Art of Computer Game Design Download Art of Computer Game Design   E-Book
The central premise of this book is that computer games constitute a new and as yet poorly developed art form that holds great promise for both designers and players.
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