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Linux E-Books

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GTK+/Gnome Application Development Download GTK+/Gnome Application Development E-Book
Gnome is a free (or "open source") software development project started in 1997 by Miguel de Icaza of the Mexican Autonomous National University and a small team of programmers from around the world. Inspired by the success of the similar K Desktop Environment (KDE) project, the burgeoning popularity of the GNU/Linux operating system, and and the power of the GTK+ graphical toolkit
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Writing GNOME Applications Download Writing GNOME Applications E-Book
It is sentimental for me after reading all the nice e-mail on the GNOME lists. By contrast, to write software alone is not that interesting, the most interesting part is to interact with other developers, and watch how community projects grow.
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Linux Packet Filtering and iptables Download Linux Packet Filtering and iptables E-Book
A proxy-server firewall handles various network services itself rather then passing them straight through. What exactly that means will be explained in the lecture on proxy server firewalls.
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Linux Administrator's Security Guide Download Linux Administrator's Security Guide E-Book
This guide is not a general security document. This guide is specifically about securing the Linux operating system against general and specific threats. If you need a general overview of security please go buy "Practical Unix and Internet Security" available at O'Reilly and associates, which is one of my favorite publisher of computer books (they make nice T-shirts to) and listed in the appendix are a variety of other computer books I recommend.
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Linux Programmer's Guide Download Linux Programmer's Guide  E-Book
The base of Linux is the kernel. You could replace each and every library, but as long as the Linux kernel remained, it would still be Linux. The kernel contains device drivers, memory management, process management and communication management. The kernel hacker gurus follow POSIX guidelines which sometimes makes programming easier and sometimes harder. If your program behaves differently on a new Linux kernel release, chances are that a new POSIX guideline has been implemented. For programming infor- mation about the Linux kernel, read the Linux Kernel Hacker’s Guide.
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Linux Network Programming, Part 1 - BSD Sockets Download Linux Network Programming, Part 1 - BSD Sockets  E-Book
This article is a basic introduction to using the BSD socket interface for creating networked applications. In the next article, we will deal with issues involved in creating (network) daemon processes. Future articles will cover using remote procedure calls and developing with CORBA/distributed objects.
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Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide Download Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide  E-Book
The author encourages wide distribution of this book for personal or commercial use, provided the above copyright notice remains intact and the method adheres to the provisions of the Open Software License. In summary, you may copy and distribute this book free of charge or for a profit. No explicit permission is required from the author for reproduction of this book in any medium, physical or electronic.
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Linux Kernel Download Linux Kernel  E-Book
Derivative works and translations of this document must be placed under the Open Software License, and the original copyright notice must remain intact. If you have contributed new material to this book, you must make the material and source code available for your revisions. Please make revisions and updates available directly to the document maintainer,
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Linux Internet Server Administration Guide [LISA] Download Linux Internet Server Administration Guide [LISA]  E-Book
This book was written to provide a single reference for network administration in a Linux environment. Beginners and experienced users alike should find the information they need to cover nearly all important administration activities required to manage a Linux network configuration. The possible range of topics to cover is nearly limitless, so of course it has been impossible to include everything there is to say on all subjects. We've tried to cover the most important and common ones
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Linux Installation and Getting Started Download Linux Installation and Getting Started  E-Book
This book is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with- out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details, in Appendix C.
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