Knowledge Based Decision Support System

Expert Systems And Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems And Artificial Intelligence Notes
  computer programs that are derived from a branch of computer science research called Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI's scientific goal is to understand intelligence by building computer programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. It is concerned with the concepts and methods of symbolic inference, or reasoning, by a computer, and how the knowledge used to make those inferences will be represented inside the machine.
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Introduction to Neural Networks Introduction to Neural Networks Notes
  An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process information. The key element of this paradigm is the novel structure of the information processing system.
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Knowledge Based Decision Support System Knowledge Based Decision Support System Notes
  Recent evolutions of business models in the electronics industry suggest that electronics manufacturing may have been the victim of its own success. Increasing globalization of the economy is imposing tough challenges on manufacturing companies in general and the electronics
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Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Notes
  Managerial Decision Makers are Knowledge Workers, Use Knowledge in Decision Making,Accessibility to Knowledge Issue Knowledge-Based Decision Support: Applied Artificial Intelligence
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Decision Support Systems Decision Support Systems Notes
  Since the first electronic general-purpose computer was put into full operation in the early 1940s, data-processing techniques have been continuously advancing. It was in the late 1950s that many organizations began to utilize transaction processing systems
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Electronics Companies Electronics Companies Notes
  Today’s business environment is characterized with extremely tight competition between companies, countries and even entire continents. Companies are forced to constantly reduce costs and outperform. Efficiency and cost-based competition has been highlighted and production is increasingly been transferred to countries with low labour cost.
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Expert Systems Expert Systems Notes
  Expert system are computer applications which embody some non-algorithmic expertise for solving certain types of problem.
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