Sather E-Books

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The Sather 1.0 Specification Download The Sather 1.0 Specification E-Book
Sather is an object-oriented language that supports highly efficient computation, powerful abstractions for encapsulation and code reuse, a flexible interactive development environment, and constructs for improving code correctness. It has statically-checked strong typing, multiple inheritance, explicit subtyping which is independent of implementation inheritance, parameterized types, dynamic dispatch, iteration abstraction, higher-order routines and iters, garbage collection, exception handling, assertions, preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants.
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Sather Download Sather E-Book
Sather Tutorial
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Graduate Algebra Notes Download Graduate Algebra Notes E-Book
Definition 1.1. The Cartesian product of two nonempty sets S and T is S  T = f(s; t) j s 2 S; t 2 Tg: Definition 1.2. A binary operation on a set S 6= ; is a function : SS ! S. Definition 1.3. A semigroup is a nonempty set S coupled with an associative binary operation S  S ! S denoted (s; s0) 7! ss0. Definition 1.4. A monoid is a semigroup M with a two-sided identity element eM, sometimes denoted e.
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Sather 1.1 Download Sather 1.1 E-Book
Sather is an object oriented language designed to be simple, efficient, safe, and non-proprietary. It aims to meet the needs of modern research groups and to foster the development of a large, freely available, high-quality library of efficient well-written classes for a wide variety of computational tasks. It was originally based on Eiffel but now incorporates ideas and approaches from several languages. One way of placing it in the ‘space of languages’ is to say that it attempts to be as efficient as C, C++, or Fortran, as elegant but safer than Eiffel or CLU, and to support higher-order functions as well as Common Lisp, Scheme, or Smalltalk.
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Homological Algebra Notes Download Homological Algebra Notes E-Book
An important question to ask (and re-ask) when one is learning a new subject is, \What does this subject do for me?" A complete answer to this question is usually hard to give, especially because the answer almost certainly depends on the interests of the person asking it. Here are a couple of motivating answers for the (commutative) algebraist who is thinking about learning some homological algebra.
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A Language Manual For Sather 1.1 Download A Language Manual For Sather 1.1 E-Book
This document is an introduction to the Sather language approriate for those familiar with other programming languages. Unlike the specification, this manual eschews conciseness in favor of ease of understanding. Language features are presented in their completeness, augmented by copious examples as well as the motivation underlying more unusual or complex language features.
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Sather Tutorial Download Sather Tutorial E-Book
Sather is an object oriented language which aims to be simole, efficient , safe, and non proprietary. One way of placing it in the "space of Language " is to say that it aims to be efficient as C,C++, Fortran, as elegant and safe as Eiffel or CLU, and support higher order fuctions and iteration abstraction as well as common lisp ,scheme,or smalltalk
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