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Software E-Books
Dictionary of Programming Languages
This Second Edition of The C Programming Language describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. Although we have noted the places where the language has evolved, we have chosen to write exclusively in the new form. For the most part, this makes no significant difference; the most visible change is the new form of function declaration and definition. Modern compilers already support most features of the standard.
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Dictionary of ANSI Standard C Function Definitions: or the Curious, the Desperate, the Frantic, and the Suicidal
This is the version 1.4 of ACSL design. Several features may still evolve in the future. In particular, some features in this document are considered experimental, meaning that their syntax and semantics is not already fixed. These features are marked with Experimental. They must also be considered as advanced features, which are not supposed to be useful for a basic use of that specification language.
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Developing an e-Business Application Using Lotus Domino for AS/400
This redbook is des igned to help infor mat ion sy s tem s archit ec ts and Lot us Notes d evelo p e rs c o n ceive and develop an e-busines s applic ation in a Dom ino for AS /400 env ironm ent. It def ines for you t he valuable role that Domino for AS /400 plays in suc h a project and ex plains the tools and proc es ses t hat are involved in set ting it up.
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Developing an e-Business Application for the IBM WebSphere Application Server
This book will take you through the proces s of developing an e-busines s , or Web, applic ation: Int ernet B anki ng. T he book will show this proc ess us ing Java tec hnologies : s er v lets and JavaS er ver Pages as well as IB M Web development and deployment software: VisualAge for Java, IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Studio. on what tomorrow may bring .
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Design and Validation of Computer Protocols
This text is intended as a guide to protocol design and analysis, rather than as a guide to standards and formats. It discusses design issues instead of applications. Two issues, therefore, are beyond the scope of this text: network control (including routing, addressing, and congestion control) and implementation. There is, however, no shor- tage of texts on both topics.
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Debian Linux User's Guide
This document contains installation instructions for the Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 system (codename “squeeze”), for the 32-bit PC (“i386”) architecture. It also contains pointers to more information and information on how to make the most of your new Debian system.
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Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century
This document contains installation instructions for the Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 system (codename “squeeze”), for the 32-bit PC (“i386”) architecture. It also contains pointers to more information and information on how to make the most of your new Debian system.
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Database Recovery Control [DBRC] Examples and Usage Hints
This redbook prov ides information on how to implement and useI MS/VS Database Recovery Control (DBRC )in complex environments . It also furnishes practical examples about environments based on the current level of DBRC.
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Data Foundation for the National Spatial Data Infrastructure
The paper described the principles on which the National Geographic Information System is created, also its target structure, principles of functioning, designation as well as the principal foundations on which the Spatial Data Infrastructure was constructed.