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Software E-Books

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probability and algorithms Download probability and algorithms E-Book
DEF: A discrete random variable is a set X together with an assignment of a nonnegative probability Pr[X=x] that X takes value x; furthermore, the sum over all possible x ε X of the probability that X takes value x must equal 1.
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perfect intranet Download perfect intranet E-Book
“T h e Internet (also know n sim p ly as th e N et) is th e w orld w id e, pub licly accessib le system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It consists of millions of smaller business, academic, domestic, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, and the interlinked W eb pages and oth er d ocu m ents of th e W orld W id e W eb.”
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pc guide Download pc guide E-Book
The TPS51620 is a selectable dual- or single-phase, fully IMVP-6+ spec-compliant step-down controller with integrated gate drivers. Advanced control features such as D-CAP™ Mode architecture and overshoot reduction (OSR) provide fast transient response, low output capacitance and high efficiency. The TPS51620 also supports single-phase operation for light loads.
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pascal langugae tutorial Download pascal langugae tutorial E-Book
SGI Pascal allows underscores (_) in identifiers. You can use underscores to make names that are composed of several words. You can also use an underscore as the first character of an identifier.
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palm os programming from the ground up Download palm os programming from the ground up E-Book
A Palm OS application program to interface to an embedded system via IrCOMM is included in the Appendices of this application note. This source code shows the system calls that can be used for IR communication.
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out of control Download out of control E-Book
I am sealed in a cottage of glass that is completely airtight. Inside I breathe my exhalations. Yet the air is fresh, blown by fans. My urine and excrement are recycled by a system of ducts, pipes, wires, plants, and marsh-microbes, and redeemed into water and food which I can eat. Tasty food. Good water
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Object-Oriented Software Composition Download Object-Oriented Software Composition  E-Book
The object-oriented programming paradigm has now been firmly accepted in the software community as offering the most powerful and promising technology for software development currently available, and its expressiveness and modelling power have been much appreciated. But, one of the greatest promises it made in its early stage was a dramatic improvement in the ease of software composition and reuse, which is yet to be achieved.
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MIT Scheme User Download MIT Scheme User E-Book
This document describes how to install and use MIT/GNU Scheme, the UnCommon Lisp. It gives installation instructions for all of the platforms that we support; complete documentation of the command-line options and environment variables that control how Scheme works; and rudimentary descriptions of how to interact with the evaluator, compile and debug programs, and use the editor
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MIT Scheme User Download MIT Scheme User E-Book
This document describes how to install and use MIT/GNU Scheme, the UnCommon Lisp. It gives installation instructions for all of the platforms that we support; complete documentation of the command-line options and environment variables that control how Scheme works; and rudimentary descriptions of how to interact with the evaluator, compile and debug programs, and use the editor
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MIT Scheme User Download MIT Scheme User E-Book
This document describes how to install and use MIT/GNU Scheme, the UnCommon Lisp. It gives installation instructions for all of the platforms that we support; complete documentation of the command-line options and environment variables that control how Scheme works; and rudimentary descriptions of how to interact with the evaluator, compile and debug programs, and use the editor
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